The only definition I found regarding TRUE LOVE is that True Love is always letting go. This is so, because Freedom and free will are the by-products of Love in my discovery.
So many of us lead our lives holding on so tightly that nothing new, nothing miraculous can find us.
I have been teaching for few years that holding on is what makes us strong, holding on is what Love is made of and is the best answer. But it seems we are stepping into a new paradigm. We are stepping into a time where growth and Love lead the way.
This means we are constantly changing, evolving, dying and being reborn.
But What must come first should be our own spiritual growth. This means listening to our intuition, trusting our gut and expressing ourselves authentically without hiding.
One of the major reason why LOVE PROVING isn't necessary is because Our relationships have been sent to us, to teach us, to mold us and to shape us.
When we seek Love, The Uni-verse sends us all kinds of relationships that bring to the surface all the blocks we have to Love. But when all this happens, what We must do is to learn to identify when the lessons are over.
One of the greatest headaches of many young ladies in relationship is the issue of sex. While they find themselves entangled in love, they also would not want to offend God by fornicating.
Meanwhile, most young men of today are always demanding for sex before marriage as a proof of love. If a lady hereby denies her boyfriend (fiance) sex, he tends to think she either does not love him or she is seeing another guy. And this throws the lady into so much confusion. She genuinely loves the guy but wouldn't want to give in to sex. If she denies him, she may lose him and if she gives in too she disobeys God. Sorry to our ladies.
Gentlemen, please know that it is absolutely a lie from the pit of hell that if your fiancee does not give you sex it shows she doesn't love you. How can you use sex as a LOVEOMETRE? Have you never heard of those who slept with ladies they didn't truly love? If you haven't then let me tell you that many people are having sex with people they never love. And the men are themselves the worst culprits.
If sex is a proof of love then we have to conclude that prostitutes love all the men they sleep with.
If sex is a proof of love then we have to go about sleeping with our best friends and even family members just to show them how deeply we love them.
Get it straight that Even married couples, do not have sex to prove their love. They rather have sex because sex is part of marriage and it is meant for both procreation and recreation - child birth and enjoyment.
Seeking love from sex or using sex as a proof of love is like going to hell with a white linen.
Relationships are containers for growth, not opportunities to suffer so we can prove how much we “love” someone. And a relationship isn’t full if both people aren’t in self-love and then sharing their love with each other from a place of overflow.
Its unnecessary to kill yourself just to prove Love, but instead invoke Love in your lives and recognize that the Love of The Uni-verse IS the purifier and the teacher. Know and accept that fact that The face of Love may change, but the energy of Love of The Uni-verse never changes.
In conclusion, Let us no longer try to prove our Love by how much we can hold on to toxic situations like offering sex, gifts and so on, but rather by how much we are willing to let go once the lesson has been learnt.
I DR. HESPEY, as a young counsellor, have never come across a rulebook for this principle of love proving.
This are some things we must each learn individually and grow into.
We must each learn that The Universe is setup so that we all can have free will to choose to connect to Love, or not. And We must learn to give ourselves this freedom as well as all the people in our lives.
To me, Love does not seek to control, but rather gives freedom. If you give yourself or those in your life this freedom, my dear, you will enjoy life enough & more than being QUESTIONED for LOVE.
Thanks for reading!!!
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DR. HESPEY (2017)
(Author of Building The Godly Youth)
(Founder of Godly Relationship & Advocate Ministry)
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