For those that are a bit familiar with the life of a footballer, we know it's a life that works to perfection only when it possess the right tools & mindset.
Solomon as a footballer just got a new pair of boot. This new pair of boot is costly, beautiful & possesses a quality material, but with a defect of being an undersized one for solomon.
Solomon, seeing this pair of boot as the most quality one he has ever seen, so he couldn't let go of the fact that it's not for him. He tried forcing things, but this didn't go well with him.
First, everything Solomon did with this pair of boot on him, never went well, just because the boot on him wasn't compatible with his legs. He was never productive & in the end, he got hurt, on removing the boots, his feet were already bloodheaded & black due to the force received from an undersized boot.
Bringing this perspective to our relationship life, most times we tend to force things, maybe because he/she is handsome, beautiful, rich, maybe because they possess some qualities we thought we would never come across from someone else or maybe because we are getting stuck.
All these are nice, but in real sense, like Solomon who had the same mindset, we are being hopeless & faithless.
When someone isn't meant for you, it doesn't matter the effort you dip into it, it's just not gonna work, Just because you deserve someone better. Settling for them may not be God's plan for you. Settling there may be less than His plans.
I have seen God use both the bad & the good circumstances to put us in our right mind.
I have seen someone holding on to what's not meant to be, but God uses such to hurt him so badly until he was strong enough to let it go.
I have seen the same God using bad leaders as instruments of hardship just to pull people back to the right lane.
Don't wait until that undersized boot in your life start serving as a means of hardship.
Before it causes you more harm like the undersized boots of Solomon, you got to let it go. You deserve to be happy & productive. But this can only happen when you're with the right tools in your hands.
Solomon became productive after he let go of the mindset that the boot was the best type he could ever get. He came across a better one which makes him more unique & fruitful in his career.
Like Solomon, brothers & sisters: that relationship may be the undersized boot in your life. The partner may be the wrong one for you.
Craving for something beautiful, handsome, equipped, quality or for love doesn't have to be at the expense of your happiness. Let it go, God's got the best in store.
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DR. HESPEY (2021)