Thursday, 25 October 2018




In a recent conversation with few female friends, there is this lady I asked that: what exactly do you think any guy will really desire from a you?

Her response happens to be what almost every lady already has in mind. She said: Once I am good in bed, able to cook delicious meals & good at my chores, he should be fine and his wants or needs shouldn't go beyond that.

But there is a missing truth in almost every lady, that only few of them possess it.

And that truth is that sex and food can never keep any man no matter how favourite they both are to him. Most Men could really be so secretive and won't tell you what their desires really are, but if you are a good observer and you are patient enough you can get deep into a man’s heart and understand what he wants.
When a man sees the woman he wants to get married to, there are some things he secretly desires that such a woman should bring to the marriage, of which he may not want to mention them.

The very first this I think every exceptional man needs is:

• COMPANIONSHIP: It is been observed that an exceptional husband isn't just a lover but also a friend. Staying friends and companions throughout the years requires that you find ways to make quality time to be together and have new experiences.
And most importantly, Marrying your best friend also means being mindful of how you talk to each other, not taking him for granted, and making small sacrifices to please each other.

Aside the fact that a man needs a companion he also need an

• AFFECTION: Though sex remains very important for most men, but the exceptional ones really want something more and that's Affection. Whether it's holding his hand in public, leaving a love message on his voicemail, or telling him you love him each & every opportunity you gets, it's an act of showing that you care about him, and this will definitely touch his heart.
Simple things you can do include telling him how much you love him, cheering him up when he's feeling doubtful, and telling him you're sorry when things go wrong. You can always go ahead and give him an unexpected hug.

What kills most relationships is that the ladies therein usually feels all cares beings to them. But the fact is that, These days men want to be pampered and cared for by their wife; they want a woman who would be sweet and romantic to them also. It is widely knowns that women openly desire this, but the truth is that men secretly desire it.
Men secretly desire their wife to want them; that is to value them and hold them in high esteem. They want their wife to be proud of them and to cherish them. This would really make them feel like a proud husband in marriage.

• RESPECT: One thing I come to understand & learn is that: Creating a loving and memorable marriage starts with respect right from the day of courtship. Some of those best ways a wife can show her husband that she loves and respects him is by:

- Actively listening to him when he talks, and not interrupting.
- Avoiding making any negative comments about his thoughts and opinions.
- Being considerate of his upcoming plans.
- Avoiding the use of "eye roll" when you disagree with him on anything
- Generally being positive, thankful, and considerate of his wants and needs.3.want their wife to be patient with them and tolerate them as well.

• UNDIVIDED LOVE & ATTENTION: Few weeks ago, I was actually discussing with a lady on how busy most men use to be with their work, the next thing she said was: "if he is too busy to accept my love, I will have to transfer them to my children". And in most homes, it is been noted that this is happening already. My findings shows that women’s love for their husbands tend to be divided after having kids, and the kids even have a greater percentage of the love than the husbands most times. Though, loving ones children is paramount, but neglecting ones husband is dangerous. Exceptional men want to be loved even after having children, they just won't ask for it.
Men also expect these things from the woman they are to marry. So be the best you can be, during courtship and extend your best to your marriage.

Thanks for reading!!!

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